Axis My India -
Never Before Offering

With diversified offerings including but not restricted to election forecasting, consumer research, Social Impact Consulting & the people empowerment platform ‘a’, Axis My India has a physical presence in 700+ districts and can mobilize engagement with all 250 million Indian households immediately.

Axis My India has established enduring relationships with leading brands like Unilever, Mahindra & Mahindra, P&G, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Piramal Finance, Disney Star, Tata Motors to name a few and various Central & State Governments. Axis My India has recently launched its services in the US market under the brand name Axis My America.

Key Offerings

Election Forecasting & Political Research
  • Exit Polls - Central & State
  • Impact Assessment Studies - Government & Political Parties
  • Market Research Led Consulting
  • Market Potential, Total Addressable Market (TAM)
  • Need Gap Studies
  • Brand Health, Customised Research
  • Social Impact Consulting
  • Identification of high impact CSR initiatives
  • Impact Assessment, Monitoring & Effectiveness measurement
  • 'a' People Empowerment Platform
  • A phygital platform to empower citizens
  • 1 Consumer Trust Index
  • Measures current consumption & future purchase intent across 40+ categories with 1Mn+ sample spread across 700+ districts.
  • Process advisors Ernst and Young.
  • 2 Live Brand Trust Tracker
  • Measures & reports real time health of a brand (Awareness, Consideration, Purchase Intent) like a stock exchange based on continuous primary research spread across audiences & markets
  • 3 All Media Measurement Study
  • India’s largest syndicated media study which measures media consumption habits across 700+ districts with a yearly sample of 1Mn+ – TV, Print, OTT, Digital, Social Media, Apps, Radio, Cinema, OOH
  • 4 Content Preference Tracker
  • Tracks current content preferences & future intent through a continuous viewership panel. Tracks content habits of viewers across TV, Cinema.
  • 5 Availability & Visibility at Retailer level
  • Monitoring of brand visibility & display at a retailer level across 700+ districts.
  • 6 Sales Team Audit & Consultancy
  • Monitors the sales team on key qualitative & quantitative KPIs real time which along with their goals & revenue targets can be a measure of the salesperson's overall performance. Metrics track progress toward goals, effort made both in terms of quantity & quality and give a daily effort report to management.
  • 7 Brand Equity Measurement
  • M&A requires in depth analysis beyond financial parameters. Our Brand Equity study measures real valuation & demand of a brand/company across demography & geography
  • 8 Consumer Sentiment Tracker
  • A monthly report offering real-time insight into the consumer sentiments across the country on key parameters –Consumption, Health, Media & Mobility.
  • 9 CSR Effectiveness Study
  • Identifying real social needs, providing simple implementable solutions, execution & monitoring of CSR activities.
  • 10 Employee Satisfaction Survey
  • An employee feedback tool that allows employers to find out about the employee experience, satisfaction & needs. Can also be deployed for Channel Partners, Clients
  • 11 Customized Market Research
  • Customized market research basis brand requirements – Usage & Attitude, Product testing, Opportunity Assessment, Brand Health
  • 12 Business Consultancy Services
  • Strategic Go-to-Market consultancy based on real time research data
  • 13 Product Sampling
  • Trials to targeted audience with third party back checks.
  • Photograph & digital signature of consumers & survey on current consumption and feedback on sampled product. A unique Awareness + Sampling +Research trial process
  • 14 ‘a’ People Empowerment Platform
  • India’s first people empowerment platform built in partnership with Google to provide people with access to authentic information & probable solutions to meet everyday needs
  • To know more write to us at: +91 86579 98618