Consumer Trust Index

What We Do?

Measuring consumption behavior is at the heart of CTI: it measures product consumption behaviour across 40+ categories & by varied audience segments. It’s deep insights on purchase, usage, loyalty shift & media will help deliver effective marketing decisions.

Market Share Score What is the Market Share of my Brand at a district level?
Brand Retention Score Are my current users loyal to me and would purchase my brand next time as well?
Brand Shift Score By Demographic & Geographic Segments If my brand users are not going to purchase me next time, then who are they planning to switch to? Which segments loss is highest?
Net Gain / Loss Is my brand going to gain some users or lose in the coming months?
Consumption Behaviour Pattern Consumer behavior across same and other competing & complementary brands and categories
Media Habits By Product Consumption What are the media habits of my customers?

How We Do It?

A model so unique, it integrates every facet of field work, data collection and analysis in-house, presenting India's Real Insights on a single platform.

  • Face to Face Interviews (Computer Aided Personal Interview)
  • Sample size determination using the Population Proportionate Approach
  • Stratified Random Sampling in each district
Geographical Coverage
  • Around 700 Districts spreading across 28 States and 8 UTs
  • 2.5 Lacs Sample per quarter | 1 Million Sample in a year
  • Spread across Urban & Rural. Coverage ensuring spread across demographic variables like, Gender, Age & NCCS
  1. 40+ Consumer Categories across FMCG, Durables, Auto, Insurance, Media, Telecom, BFSI and E-com
  2. Dedicated foot soldiers, capturing voices from 700+ districts and an unmatched sample of 1 million respondents
  3. Updated data available on a quarterly rolling sample through fully integrated data centers
  4. Robust representation through stratified sampling using the population proportionate approach

What This Means To You?

Knowing what your market & mind share is only part of the data. CTI provides marketers deeper insights so that you know which marketing levers to pull. A wider range of information: What is my brand preference by age, gender & geography? Am I losing share to Brand B especially in the 26-35 years age category? Am I going to lose my MS in State A and District C in the coming months? Do my consumers still read newspapers or are they spending their maximum time on Facebook?

An Example Of Sample Outputs Related To Brand Retention & Shift Analysis:

An Example Of Sample Outputs Related To Brand Retention & Shift Analysis:

Current usage share for Brand A is 25%, while it is likely to be 28% in the coming times. However, among these 25% people who are currently using Brand A, only 70% seem to be loyal to the brand and would purchase it next time, while remaining 30% would purchase some other brand.

List Of Categories Covered In CTI

List Of Categories Covered In CTI

Engagement Model

Subscription Based:

ADD-ON SOLUTION: Customized research to understand the impact of different marketing activities with the same respondents. (The add-on solution is independent of the syndicated CTI study. We can do customized study with the same or different respondents, as per the objectives of the study)

If interested, please fill in your details and our team will get in touch with you.